L’atelier du 04 octobre 2022 avait pour objectif de co-construire avec les producteurs des pratiques innovantes de fertilisation en utilisant des vers de terre et de lombricompost, sur du riz pluvial. L’idée consiste à laisser aux producteurs de choisir les pratiques qui s’adaptent à leur situation avec l’appui scientifique des équipes du projet Innov’Earth. Les pratiques innovantes co-conçues seront ensuite testées sur terrain et comparées avec les pratiques de fertilisation habituelles.
TéléchargerAgriculture is at the heart of many international concerns and at the center of social, economic and environmental issues. This is particularly true for countries in sub-Saharan Africa like Madagascar where the majority of the population lives of agriculture, in great poverty. It is therefore urgent and necessary to transform agriculture to improve productivity, sustainability, food security and the standard of living of farmers. One of the paths to success is to ecologically and sustainably intensify this agriculture by increasing the provision of ecosystem services. This involves in particular developing strategies for the sustainable management of natural and renewable resources, whether it be the organic fertilizers available to farmers or soil biodiversity. The other path to success is to build innovative practices with farmers and political support. This involves research projects combining many disciplines with the same objective.
The objective of the SECuRE research project was to improve the fertilization practices of rainfed agriculture, on slopes, in small farms in the highlands of Madagascar, based in particular on a better management of organic fertilizers and soil biodiversity. The intensification of soil ecological functions, provided by soil organisms, indeed offers significant potential for improving agricultural productivity and sustainability, but also for the mitigation of climate change by storing carbon in the soil or for the reduction of soil losses by erosion. This transdisciplinary project therefore aimed to: (i) understand fertilization practices and the level of intensification of small farms, (ii) study the role of certain key soil organisms in relation to the soil and growth of cultivated plants, with rice as a model, (iii) study the potential of assemblages of (organic, mineral, rock-based) fertilizers, (iv) test innovative practices in the field and share them with farmers so that they can guide practices, (v) inform politicians of the potential for ecological intensification of agriculture in Madagascar, and finally (v) disseminate knowledge so that it is known to the greatest number, for a sustainable development of African agriculture.
The project has notably enabled, thanks to a vast survey, an in-depth knowledge of the functioning of family farms in the Highlands of Madagascar. More than 320 farms were surveyed, in two contrasting regions. A great deal of information has been acquired on the farms themselves (size, composition, sources of income, typology of farms), on fertility management practices (practices, materials used, biomass flows) and on economic performance. At the same time, experiments in the laboratory or in the field have made it possible to clarify our knowledge of the role of key soil organisms on soil properties and plant response. In the very infertile, multi-deficient, unresilient soils of the Highlands of Madagascar, our research has clarified the need to strengthen soil biodiversity to intensify the ecological functions it fulfills: recycling of nutrients, decomposition of organic matter, soil structure maintenance and regulation of populations of pathogens and diseases. Our work has shown in particular the role that earthworms can play in the fight against rice blast disease, and the need to choose varieties of cultivated plants capable of "interacting" with soil organisms. Our work has also considerably improved the choice of possibilities in terms of fertilization. The work carried out within the framework of M. Raminoarison's thesis showed the interest of mixing different local fertilizing materials (organic, mineral, rock-based) to fight against multiple soil deficiencies, promote the availability of nutrients for plants and support soil life. Field trials have made it possible to test a set of innovative practices and to compare them with peasant practices in terms of agronomic performance and ecological functioning of soils. All of these innovative practices were shared and discussed with farmers who were able to assess and develop them.
It is still difficult to assess the impacts of such a project. Farmers have always been very present and associated with the project through socio-economic surveys, various workshops on fertilization practices, and reference farms. They have probably realized the possibility of ecologically intensifying their agricultural production for better productivity, greater sustainability and increased income. A survey showed early mechanisms of learning with reference farmers, mainly relying on exchanges of information inside and outside of the networks of reference farms. Malagasy politicians (represented by different Ministries), donors and various NGOs were also informed of these scientific advances during a feedback seminar and by the presentation of documents
TéléchargerCe livret regroupe les connaissances acquises à partir des résultats du projet SECuRE sur des matières fertilisantes adaptées à la riziculture pluviale.
Les résultats sont présentés sous forme de fiches techniques pour une dissémination vers les agriculteurs, les organisations de producteurs, les conseillers agricoles et autres personnes ou organisations qui auraient l’utilité de ces informations.
Ces fiches complètent le livret « Gestion comparée de la fertilité au niveau des exploitations agricoles familiales du Moyen-Ouest de la région Vakinankaratra et des Hautes Terres de la région Itasy à Madagascar ».
Livret en malgache et français.
Réalisation :
Christina Kelly Ben Naâmane et Patrice Autfray
Coordination :
Sarah Audouin, Jean-François Bélières, Eric Blanchart, Mamy Razafimahatratra, Onjaherilanto R. Razanakoto et Paulo Salgado
Appui scientifique :
Laetitia Bernard, Bertrand Müller, Naliharilala Miora Rakotoarivelo Njaramanana, Jean Chrysostome Rakotondravelo, Bodovololona Rabary, Sitrakiniaina Raharimalala, Hery Zo Nantenaina Rakotofiringa, Alain Ramanantsoanirina, Richard Randriamanantsoa, Eddy Josephson Randriamihary Fetra Sarobidy, Onja Hasinahary Ratsiatosika, Harinjaka Raveloson, Tantely Razafimbelo, Malalatiana Razafindrakoto, Kanto Razanamalala, Aude Ripoche, Paulo Salgado, Jean Trap et Kirsten Vom Brock
Ces dernières années, les travaux de la recherche ont permis de mieux décrire et comprendre le fonctionnement et les contraintes des exploitations agricoles et des collectifs d’acteurs dans les territoires, d’étudier les pratiques et de co-construire avec les agriculteurs de nouvelles techniques de production plus performantes et durables. Les résultats présentés ici sont destinés aux décideurs. L’objectif est de fournir des éléments pour soutenir le développement de l’agriculture des Hautes Terres, et plus particulièrement des cultures pluviales et de l’élevage, basés sur les principes de l’agroécologie, pour contribuer à la croissance économique et à la sécurité alimentaire, avec une amélioration du bien-être des ménages agricoles et dans le respect de l’environnement.
TéléchargerCe livret recense la diversité des pratiques de gestion de fertilité des sols et des types de matières fertilisantes utilisées au sein d'exploitations agricoles familiales de deux zones des Hautes Terres malgaches, le Moyen-Ouest du Vakinankaratra et les Hautes Terres de l’Itasy.
Livret en malgache et français.
Réalisation :
Christina Kelly Ben Naâmane et Patrice Autfray
Coordination :
Sarah Audouin, Jean-François Bélières, Eric Blanchart, Mamy Razafimahatratra, Onjaherilanto R. Razanakoto et Paulo Salgado
Appui scientifique :
Laetitia Bernard, Bertrand Müller, Naliharilala Miora Rakotoarivelo Njaramanana, Jean Chrysostome Rakotondravelo, Bodovololona Rabary, Sitrakiniaina Raharimalala, Hery Zo Nantenaina Rakotofiringa, Alain Ramanantsoanirina, Richard Randriamanantsoa, Eddy Josephson Randriamihary Fetra Sarobidy, Onja Hasinahary Ratsiatosika, Harinjaka Raveloson, Tantely Razafimbelo, Malalatiana Razafindrakoto, Kanto Razanamalala, Aude Ripoche, Paulo Salgado, Jean Trap et Kirsten Vom Brock
Mis à jour le 22 octobre 2020
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